Reeve Liverance welcomed Don Carmichael and Pam Wing of the Belvedere Heights Board of Management to the meeting.
Ms. Wing presented the renderings of the proposed renovations to the existing long term care building, which will accommodate the addition of 22 new beds.
Mr. Carmichael explained the opportunity to receive a $35 per diem construction funding subsidy to support the new building, as well as Belvedere Heights' proposal to enter into a loan agreement with the Township of Carling to guarantee payment of all financial obligations to Infrastructure Ontario related to the borrowing costs. Mr. Carmichael reported that the Board is seeking a resolution from Council endorsing the Belvedere Heights proposal to enter into a loan agreement with the Township of Carling.
Council members posed questions regarding the project's funding structure and requested an update on the life lease units. Erin Robinson, Chief Financial Officer, sought clarification on the life leases, noting that the resolution passed by Council in December 2023 regarding the life lease line of credit is now outdated based on the recent updates.
In response, Mr. Carmichael stated that an updated resolution regarding life leases could be provided for Council's consideration for the next meeting.
Reeve Liverance thanked Ms. Wing and Mr. Carmichael for their presentation and noted that their proposed resolutions would be brought forward at the November Council Meeting.