Regular Meeting of Council

Council Chambers
9 James Street, Parry Sound, Ontario

  • NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the October 18th, 2024 Revised Council Agenda, be approved.

The Township of The Archipelago respectfully acknowledges that we are situated on traditional Anishinabek lands. We are grateful for the opportunity to live and work here and we thank all the generations of people who have cared for these lands and waters for thousands of years. We recognize and deeply appreciate their contributions that have shaped and strengthened this community and country as a whole. This recognition is part of our collective commitment to our ongoing learning and reconciliation in The Archipelago community.

The Committee of Adjustment will meet at 1:00 p.m. to consider two applications.

I volunteer for West Parry Sound Community Support Services and benefit from the request to support.

  • NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held on September 20th, 2024, be approved. 

  • NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting held on September 19th, 2024, be approved. 

  • NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council receives the October CAO Report on Council Directions, as distributed.

  • NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council receives the Revised October Council Correspondence listing.

  • Councillor Emery declared a conflict on this item. (I volunteer for West Parry Sound Community Support Services and benefit from the request to support.)
  • NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council for the Township of The Archipelago hereby supports the Community Support Services funding application to establish a Seniors Active Living Centre Program, and commits to providing in-kind support valued between $1,000 and $2,000 for the use of the Pointe au Baril Community Centre facilities, which includes access to the kitchen, utilities, tables, chairs, and setup at a mutually agreed-upon time; and

    FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that this support shall remain in effect until the end of the current Council's term.

  • WHEREAS the Township of The Archipelago is commencing the process of recruiting a new Chief Administrative Officer (CAO); and

    WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to engage the services of an experienced professional to assist with the recruitment process. 

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council agrees to hire Nigel Bellchamber to oversee the recruitment of the new of the CAO at a cost of approximately $25,000; and

    FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that a hiring committee, consisting of Councillor Laurie Emery, Reeve Bert Liverance, and Councillor Dan MacLeod, be established to assist in the selection process. 

  • WHEREAS the Township of The Archipelago strives to model the characteristics of quality organizations and organizational best practices; and

    WHEREAS the traits of quality organizations include an unobstructed vision, effective leadership, open communication, strong teamwork, employee empowerment, customer focus, agility and adaptability, operational excellence, social responsibility, and innovation; and

    WHEREAS the principles supporting the Township of The Archipelago’s Organizational Review is based upon the characteristics of a quality organization for Staff; and

    WHEREAS Council has applied the characteristics of a quality organization to its organizational structure by promoting leadership at all levels and to the role and function of Committee Chairs and Vice-Chairs within the Committee of The Whole and the Alternate Roles for Chair positions, board positions, and commissions; and

    WHEREAS the duties of the Reeve are increasingly demanding and require extensive commitment in time and attention; and

    WHEREAS a Deputy Reeve position would assist the extensive workload of the office of the Reeve and projects as determined by the Reeve and Council; and

    WHEREAS the addition of the role of Deputy Reeve to the organization provides the Reeve with an official delegate for absences; and

    WHEREAS the Reeve position advocates for the Township and its residents to senior levels of government and external organizations as would the Deputy Reeve position; and

    WHEREAS the Reeve position and the Deputy Reeve position provide North and South Archipelago perspectives in the interest of the communities they serve, the Township, Staff, and Council.

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council hereby appoints Councillor Scott Sheard to the position of Deputy Reeve to assist the Reeve and Council for the remainder of this term of council; and

    FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the Clerk be requested to amend the procedural by-law to recognize the role and function of the Deputy; and

    FINALLY BE IT RESOLVED that the remuneration of the Deputy Reeve position be reviewed and once finalized, made effective as of January 1, 2025. 

  • NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council direct staff to circulate a Public Notice to seek public input on a proposed work permit application to upgrade an existing trail located on Healey Lake to a private road for the use of conventional motor vehicles, and that the notice be circulated to the owners within 1000 metres of the subject trail, the local cottage association, and to local marinas.

  • NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council direct Township staff and JLR to continue to refine and scope the draft Site Alteration By-law, and to bring to Council a revised draft for approval at a future meeting, which includes the provision to delegate authority to staff to grant relief from the by-laws on a case-by-case basis.

  • NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council direct Township staff and JLR to continue to refine and scope the tree preservation by-law; and

    FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that Council direct Township staff and JLR to proceed with revisions to the final Tree Preservation By-law, with particular attention to incorporating additional flexibility through activities that are exempted in the By-law and improving the language of the By-law in areas that caused confusion, concern, or misunderstanding from the public; and

    FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the Tree Preservation By-law be further revised to incorporate Recommendation 3, Option 1 of JLR's October 2024 Report, being to include an exemption within the final draft Tree Preservation By-law which allows for the injuring or destruction of trees in the shoreline buffer area to a maximum width of 25% of the shoreline frontage, or 25 metres, whichever is the lesser; and

    FINALLY BE IT RESOLVED that staff and JLR bring to Council a revised draft of the Tree Preservation By-law for approval at a future meeting, which includes the provision to delegate authority to staff to grant relief from the By-laws on a case-by-case basis.

  • NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council of the Corporation of the Township of The Archipelago supports the West Parry Sound Area and the continuance of an Economic Development Collaborative with the remaining municipalities, through the use of an existing service provider, if possible, and

    FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that until decisions are made on the future of the Collaborative, the Township of The Archipelago offers no additional financial commitment at this time; and

    FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED if the Collaborative is discontinued, the Township of The Archipelago will consider either partnering with the Town of Parry Sound, if possible, or utilizing a consultant for economic development services for our community.

  • WHEREAS in November 2021, the 41st session of the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) designated November 3 as the International Day for Biosphere Reserves; and

    WHEREAS the purpose of this international day is to provide a wake-up call on the importance of caring for the environment and achieving a balance between human activities and the conservation of natural resources - and on the leading role that the World Network of Biosphere Reserves plays in this regard; and

    WHEREAS the intention of this international day is to mobilize and acknowledge the commitment, actions and solutions by the people, institutions and partners that make up the global network.

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council of the Township of The Archipelago hereby proclaims November 3, 2024 and every November 3 thereafter as International Day for Biosphere Reserves in the Township of The Archipelago; and

    FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that Council of the Township of The Archipelago celebrates the Georgian Bay Mnidoo Gamii Biosphere as one of the 738 biosphere reserves in the world and commends the organization’s work in protecting the environment, building vibrant communities, and supporting a healthy economy by building capacity through education and culture; and

    FINALLY BE IT RESOLVED that Council of the Township of The Archipelago hereby proclaims that the Georgian Bay Biosphere Flag shall be displayed at the Pointe au Baril Community Centre annually on November 3rd.

  • NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council hereby adopts the Creation and Support of Community Recreational Facilities Policy. 

  • NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council hereby adopts the Municipal Grant Policy. 

  • WHEREAS Council of the Township of The Archipelago received a request for support from the Town of Parry Sound to support the migration of rideshare regulations and licensing from the municipal level to the provincial level. 

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council of the Township of The Archipelago hereby supports the Town of Parry Sound's resolution requesting the Government of Ontario to initiate the transfer of responsibilities in the interest of creating a more coherent and standardized regulatory framework for ridesharing services across the province; and 

    FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that a copy of this motion be distributed to the Honourable Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario; the Honourable Prabmeet Sarkaria, Minister of Transportation; the Honourable Paul Calandra, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing; and the Honourable Graydon Smith Member of Provincial Parliament. 

  • NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council hereby approve the Banko Creative Studio’s proposal for a hybrid Council Social Communications Training ½ day session at a cost of $1500, plus HST, to be allocated in the 2025 budget.


  • Being a By-law to amend By-law No. A2000-07 (the Comprehensive Zoning By-law) Part of Lot 38, Concession 12, being location JH48 and LOC 12972, Part 1, RP 42R-16393, PCL 9431 Sec SS, geographic township of Conger, The Archipelago (Boersma).

  • Being a By-law to authorize the execution of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Township of The Archipelago and Seguin Township for Occasional Winter Maintenance  of a portion of Blackstone Crane Lake Road.

  • Being a By-law to execute an agreement with Alcorp Ltd. Operating as The Bayfield Boat Club for the Snow Plowing of the Municipal Road Portion of Highway 529A in Bayfield Inlet.

  • Being a By-law to Confirm the Proceedings of the Regular Meeting of Council Held on October 18th, 2024.

  • NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Regular Meeting of Council held on October 18th, 2024 be adjourned at ______.

No Item Selected