WHEREAS the Township of The Archipelago strives to model the characteristics of quality organizations and organizational best practices; and
WHEREAS the traits of quality organizations include an unobstructed vision, effective leadership, open communication, strong teamwork, employee empowerment, customer focus, agility and adaptability, operational excellence, social responsibility, and innovation; and
WHEREAS the principles supporting the Township of The Archipelago’s Organizational Review is based upon the characteristics of a quality organization for Staff; and
WHEREAS Council has applied the characteristics of a quality organization to its organizational structure by promoting leadership at all levels and to the role and function of Committee Chairs and Vice-Chairs within the Committee of The Whole and the Alternate Roles for Chair positions, board positions, and commissions; and
WHEREAS the duties of the Reeve are increasingly demanding and require extensive commitment in time and attention; and
WHEREAS a Deputy Reeve position would assist the extensive workload of the office of the Reeve and projects as determined by the Reeve and Council; and
WHEREAS the addition of the role of Deputy Reeve to the organization provides the Reeve with an official delegate for absences; and
WHEREAS the Reeve position advocates for the Township and its residents to senior levels of government and external organizations as would the Deputy Reeve position; and
WHEREAS the Reeve position and the Deputy Reeve position provide North and South Archipelago perspectives in the interest of the communities they serve, the Township, Staff, and Council.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council hereby appoints Councillor Scott Sheard to the position of Deputy Reeve to assist the Reeve and Council for the remainder of this term of council; and
FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the Clerk be requested to amend the procedural by-law to recognize the role and function of the Deputy; and
FINALLY BE IT RESOLVED that the remuneration of the Deputy Reeve position be reviewed and once finalized, made effective as of January 1, 2025.